Earlier this year saw the launch of the DTI commissioned Lead-Free Report.NPL were part of the consortium who wrote it and took responsibility for thePb-free helpline. In analysing the feedback, especially from the smallercompanies, it was clear that further, more practical information was urgentlyneeded.
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An interactive CD-ROM was launched in Europe in November. With the title ofthe "Lead-free soldering cook book", it contains valuable information to assistindustry in the decisions necessary to convert to a Pb-free process. It is theworld's first comprehensive resource on the subject of lead-free soldering.Process animation will compare conventional and lead-free production. Helpfulvideo interviews, with key industrial players, will share their experiences. Thedefect guide section using a library of photographs will help those responsiblefor maintaining quality. Up to date research and development projects, includingwhat the universities are doing, will be featured as will two separate practicaltests covering process and materials. Finally, a comprehensive glossary ensuresthe "Cookbook" will cover everything you ever wanted to know about lead-freesoldering in an easy to use package. It is planned to keep it regularly updated.Organisations will be invited to submit material for future updates. 2ff7e9595c